Inequality relationship between trigonometric functions
Question: (1) The range of \(x\) is: \(0^o \leq x \leq 180^o\). Solve \(\cos^4 x > \sin^4 x\). (2) The […]
Question: (1) The range of \(x\) is: \(0^o \leq x \leq 180^o\). Solve \(\cos^4 x > \sin^4 x\). (2) The […]
Question: Here is a function of \(x\). \[ y=\alpha \cos x + 2 – \cos x \log\frac{1+\cos x}{1-\cos x} \] \(\alpha\) […]
Question: When \(\tan\theta = -2\), find \(\cos 2\theta\) and \(\sin 2\theta\). Answer: Maybe, you don’t believe that you can derive […]